You can send us a booking request by filling out the short form on the event page.
After that, we'll get back to you with more details and handle the booking once you confirm your spot.
An online ticket gives you access to our digital event platform where you can watch the main stage live-stream and connect with other participants.
You'll also be able to access video recordings from the main stage program, as well as audio recordings from the side stage and speaker slides.
You'll receive an email with all necessary information a few days before the conference.
In it, you'll find a link to sign up for our online tool.
You need to register using the email address you used to purchase your ticket.
After that, you'll have access to the live stream and can connect with others.
Reach out if you have specific questions!
Registration at the event without prior ticket purchase isn't possible.
It's best to buy your ticket a few weeks in advance to ensure participation in workshops and smooth logistics.