Day 2
11:25 am
6:55 am
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Skill level:

Meeting product where they are: Why we need a knowledge management strategy

You may have read some of the ‘hot takes’ written in the last year that the UX Research discipline is dying and been tempted to hang up your hat and go and find something else to do…but don’t despair just yet! Research isn’t dying, it’s just that organisations are moving too fast and drowning in research and insights that they don’t know what to do with.

In her talk, Emma will help you see that by thinking like a Content Strategist we can define a Knowledge Management strategy for our organisations and give our teams a framework to build on. Borrowing from Information Architecture and Content Strategy, she will introduce ideas and resources that can help elevate UX Researchers to take their place at the table again.

UX Research Manager

Got some juicy gossip?

We’d love to hear it (and any other questions, wishes or suggestions you have).

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