How to Get Your Creative Groove Back
In a world where we're constantly comparing ourselves to top performers atwork or seemingly perfect creatives on social media, chasing"greatness" can feel like a never-ending race.
We get so used to tying our creativity to goals and ROI that we forget toask ourselves: Are we creating because it feeds our soul, or are we chasing thefleeting high of external validation?
This talk invites you to rediscover the joy of creating for yourself.
In a world where we're constantly comparing ourselves to top performers atwork or seemingly perfect creatives on social media, chasing"greatness" can feel like a never-ending race.
We get so used to tying our creativity to goals and ROI that we forget toask ourselves: Are we creating because it feeds our soul, or are we chasing thefleeting high of external validation?
This talk invites you to rediscover the joy of creating for yourself.
Got some juicy gossip?
We’d love to hear it (and any other questions, wishes or suggestions you have).