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Confidence kindergarten: what we forgot about creativity

What can a 4-year-old teach us about creativity? Turns out, a lot.

Many of us keep an aspirational “to-do” list—a towering set of tasks that feels out of reach for today’s version of ourselves but somehow manageable for the future one. The gap between the two isn’t always about time, resources, or skill; it’s confidence. “Plot-Twisted: Designing Courage Through Connection” is a story about learning by doing—leveraging the skills you already have to unlock those you’re still building confidence in.

Through a specific case study, I’ll share how I designed my way into becoming a children’s book author by creating a storytime program in collaboration with The Department of Make / Believe (aka Chapter 510), a local organization empowering young writers and readers. By reading picture books to children, I tested ideas, refined my craft in real-time, and discovered how collaborative spaces can fuel creativity and foster connections. While confidence may not always be a prerequisite for pursuing our most intimidating creative goals, designing pathways to explore and iterate can make them feel within reach.

This talk is for:

  • Designers exploring how to transfer their skills to new creative endeavors.
  • Entrepreneurs bridging the gap between their ambitions and their confidence.
  • Leaders seeking strategies to cultivate growth and maturity in their teams.

Attendees will leave with:

  • Strategies for using product development frameworks to drive personal growth.
  • A deeper appreciation for carving out time and opportunities to connect with those we design for.
  • Storytelling tips to bring yourself, your team, your audience, and even imaginative children along for the journey.



Senior Design Operations Lead

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